Proven track record and achievement for over 50 years.
Highly trusted by our customers.
Import cargo handling services
From the sorting of imported cargo to delivery to the consignee, we provide services that satisfy our customers based on our motto of “Safe, Reliable and Prompt” handling.

Cargo carry-in *arrival at warehouse
Cargo unloaded from the aircraft is brought into the warehouse.

Break down and sorting
Cargo on ULD (Unit Load Device) is allocated to each AWB (Air Waybill).

Cargo check
Based on the information of the arriving cargo, the number of cargo pieces actually arrived and the outer packaging are confirmed. Any irregularities in the cargo are reported.

The cargo is stored in an appropriate storage facility according to the characteristics of the cargo.

Cargo carry-out (hand over)
Cargo will be delivered to the consignee after import permit is granted.

Export cargo handling services
We take on export cargoes, from acceptance and building-up ULD to weighing. Cargoes come in a variety of shapes, weights and characteristics, requiring high skills. We have achieved excellent results in build-up competitions and provide high-quality services to our customers.

Cargo acceptance
We unload the export-permitted cargo from the truck, check for any deficiencies and accept the consignment.

ULD build-up plan creation
ULD build-up plan plans are created according to the weight, shape and other characteristics of the cargo.

ULD Build-up
Forklifts are used to load cargo on ULDs.

Weigh ULDs
We weigh ULDs and affix a tag with the destination and weight. Weighing data is sent to the flight operation assistant.

The ULD is handed over to the aircraft for loading.